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Race and Puerto Ricans: A Conversation

A conversation moderated by Dr. Zaire Dinzey-Flores with Dr. Marta Moreno Vega, founder of Creative Justice Initiative and co-founder of Corredor Afro, Dr. Mayra Santos-Febres, Investigadora Principal del Proyecto de Diversificación Académica en Afrodescendencia y Racialización de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, and Nasheli Ortiz González, Executive Director of Taller Puertorriqueño, on race and the Puerto Rican identity.

As the Afro-Latino Coalition embarked on the recent "LatinoIsNotaRace" campaign, there were many conversations on how different populations identified their race and ethnicity on the census. This conversation seeks to focus that discussion on Puerto Ricans, who are affected by any changes on the way that Race and Ethnicity would be captured on the US Census. The conversation seeks to discuss experiences from Puerto Ricans, who have lived on the Island and/or the US, and what their learnings tell us about how Puerto Ricans discuss/identify with/understand Race and what that tells us, if anything, about other Latinidades and their understandings of Race.

February 22

AfroLatin@s Now Conversaciones: Migrations & Black Erasure

May 23

La Apropiación de la Cultura AfroColombiana