Watch the recording of “AfroLatin@s Now Conversaciones: Migrations & Black Erasure”
Join us for a celebration of three recently released books that all talk about AfroLatinidad and Migrations. We will have a conversation with Dr. Kaysha Corinealdi author or "Panama in Black,” Dr. Milagros Denis-Rosario author of "Drops of Inclusivity" and Dr. Marisel Moreno author of "Crossing Waters,” hosted by Manuel Mendez, President of the DC AfroLatino Caucus. Join us in this conversation about movement, migrations and AfroLatinidad.
Co-Presented By:
Kaysha Corinealdi, Ph.D.
Kaysha Corinealdi is a scholar of twentieth century histories of empire, migration, feminism, and Afro-diasporic activism in the Americas. Her book, Panama in Black: Afro-Caribbean World Making in the Twentieth Century (Duke University Press, 2022), centers the activism of Afro-Caribbean migrants and their descendants as they navigated practices and policies of anti-Blackness, xenophobia, denationalization, and white supremacy in Panama and the United States. The book is inspired by familial histories linking Panama, the Caribbean, and the United States. Her writing can also be found in Public Books, the Washington Post, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, the Caribbean Review of Gender Studies, the International Journal of Africana Studies, and the Global South.
Manuel Mendez
Manuel Mendez is a University of Maryland Ph.D. student (College of Information Studies) whose scholarship focuses on Afro-Latino history in the D.C. metropolitan region. A documentary producer and archival activist, Manuel is a frequent invited panelist and speaker on Latino identity, Black cultural memory and heritage, and anti-Black racial oppression among Spanish-Speaking and/or white supremacist communities. Manuel's scholarship draws from his extensive experience with youth organizing, bilingual public library service, and grassroots oral history work. His work has been recognized and utilized by Politics & Prose, Hola Cultura, Univision, the Office of the D.C. Mayor, and various universities across the U.S
Milagros Denis-Rosario, Ph.D.
Dr. Milagros Denis-Rosario is an Associate Professor in the Department of Africana, Puerto Rican, and Latino Studies at Hunter College-CUNY. She is the Director of the Puerto Rican/Latino sequence. She was born and raised in Puerto Rico. She holds a Ph.D. in Latin America and Caribbean history from Howard University, a MA in Africana Studies from Cornell University, and a BA in Art History from the University of Puerto Rico. Professor Denis-Rosario has published in the Journal of Pan-African Studies, Latino Studies, Centro Journal, Hispanófila, and Memorias, among others. She also has served as a guest editor with the International Journal of Africana Studies and Memorias (Colombia). Her book Drops of Inclusivity: Racial Formation and Meanings in Puerto Rican Society, 1898- 1965 (SUNY Press 2022) examines the racial discourse in Puerto Rican society in the context of modernity and US ruling.
Marisel Moreno, Ph.D.
Marisel Moreno is the Rev. John A. O’Brien Associate Professor in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the University of Notre Dame. She is the author of Family Matters: Puerto Rican Women Authors on the Island and the Mainland (2012) and Crossing Waters: Undocumented Migration in Hispanophone Caribbean and Latinx Literature and Art (U Texas P, 2022). She co-created the digital humanities project Listening to Puerto Rico and the exhibit Art at the Service of the People: Posters and Books from Puerto Rico’s Division of Community Education.