Current Projects
Black Latine people around the world practice a myriad of faith traditions. This short-form documentary explores dynamic identities of these AfroLatine people and their journey for a home, a faith in Blackness.
The Understanding AfroLatinidad workshop series aims to inform participants about the dynamic realities of AfroLatines. It delves into larger topics such as Latino anti-Blackness and the daily lived experiences of AfroLatines in the United States.
Past Projects
This first podcast #BlackLivesMatter Everywhere examines recent events of racial violence in the Dominican Republic and how they are connected to struggles against racism in the United States and globally.
In an effort to achieve an accurate count of Afro-Latin@s in the United States Census, the nonprofit afrolatin@ forum has produced a series of public service announcements that call on Latin@s of African descent to identify as both Hispanic and Black on the 2010 form.
True social change takes years and even decades to occur. Progressive organizations looking to make lasting change must show determination. In addition, while these organizations continue their important work they must also remain resilient; this means searching for alliances and strengthening ties with like-minded institutions and organizations.

Oppose proposed Federal standards that will hide race for Latino(a,e,x)s/Hispanics!