In order to contribute to the legacy of profound writing on AfroLatinidad, disseminate experiential knowledge, and to engender dialogue; the afrolatin@ forum is sponsoring written contributions in the form of essays, blog posts, or op-ed pieces that will continue to unearth an understanding of Blackness, AfroLatinidad y la Diáspora.
A Rising Voice: Afro-Latin Americans
Black experience is unvelied through a journey. Five part series from the Miami Herald.
Afro-Latino's Plea for Immigration Reform
As an AfroLatin@ New York City turns into Arizona at night because of Stop-and-Frisk Laws and my "undocumented" fears in case of an arrest...
Negra & Beautiful: The Unique Challenges Faced By Afro-Latinas
The frustrating ironies of being Afro-Latina hit Yuly Marshall with stunning regularity: At work at a Miami hospital, Hispanic patients of the Cuban-born...
Young Afro Latinos straddle both cultures
Many young Afro Latin@s are dealing with a world where they are often supposed to side with one ethnic group based on how they look.
The Bond Between Blacks & Latinos
Black Enterprise - 11/21/2009
A discussion on the relationship between Blacks & Latinos with panelists David Lamb, playwright; Maylene Garcia, experienced family racism, and Miriam Jimenez Roman, Director, afro-latin@ forum.
Q&A with Miriam Jiménez Román
March 30, 2012 - In February, Latina magazine listed “6 Afro-Latinas Who Are Changing the World.” Naturally, Miriam Jiménez Román was second on the list.
Real Unity for Afro-Latinos and African Americans
by Miriam Jiménez Román - For much of the 20th century, a common sight in front of public and White-owned spaces were signs that read, “No niggers...
Miriam Jimenez experta en problemas discrimen puertorriquenos de raza negra
Nos odiamos a nosotros mismos. Si te odias, ¿cómo puedes luchar contra la injusticia? Ni siquiera la reconoces”.
Remembering the Legacy of Schomburg
This week, the Afro-Diasporic world celebrates the life of Arturo Alfonso Schomburg. Schomburg, born on January 24, 1874 in Santurce, Puerto Rico...
Juan Flores — Defining Latino Studies
Flores frames his work around this presence and the complex issue of race and racism in the Americas.